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Italia Albania Business Council


The Council's vision is to promote the development of economic, cultural, and social relations between Italy and Albania.


The Council promotes all forms of cooperation and joint ventures between Albania and Italy and its regions to encourage the exchange of economic, cultural, and social information between Italy and Albania.


The goal that IABC pursues through involvement and assistance to Italian businesses is to contribute to the development of a modern, diversified, and resilient economy, supported by increased productivity, research, innovation, and competitiveness, within a tax system that stimulates investment and a regulatory environment that makes doing business easier.


The Italy Albania Business Council aims to be a point of reference, aggregation, and information for Italian businesses and professionals intending to establish activities in Albania's territory. The Council brings together the expertise of important Italian and Albanian consultants, CEOs, and representatives of their companies. We participate in and develop significant national economic discussions and forums. Through the Council, our members have the opportunity to propose and develop their businesses, supported by the Board in institutional and commercial relations.


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25 July 2023
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Promotion of all forms of cooperation and joint ventures between Albania and Italy

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